Steam Infusion wins at World Food Innovation Awards
OAL is thrilled to announce that Steam Infusion, our revolutionary heating and mixing technology, has won the best food manufacturing / processing innovation award at the IFE World Food Innovation Awards 2015, London. Like any award, it’s great recognition for all the hard work that both we and our customers have put in to making Steam Infusion a success. What’s more we were up against stiff competition, with over 340 entries from 30 countries in 16 categories, making the win an even greater achievement!
Reduce food manufacturing costs
To date, Steam Infusion systems have significantly reduced food manufacturing costs through the technology’s ability to dramatically cut production times and energy consumption. Steam Infusion was shown to heat three times faster than traditional heating methods.
“Steam Infusion has allowed us to nearly double our previous throughput rates, furthermore our meat sauce quality and consistency has improved dramatically.”
Clean technology
Reductions in energy arise from the more efficient energy transfer and all round cleaner cooking process. The simple nature of Steam Infusion cooking reduces the number of industrial cooking processes required resulting in a decrease in capital, running and cleaning costs.
For instance, with Steam Infusion there is no direct heat surface contact, thus no burn-on contamination. Not only does this make the sauce taste better but significantly reduces cleaning time and materials.
It’s not just us saying it! Steam Infusion has been recognised for reducing energy costs and carbon emissions across the food industry at the following prominent events:
Nutrition for life
There is definitely more to come as we see the efforts from our £1 million nutrition for life research project in partnership with the University of Lincoln come to fruition. The project aims to create healthier foods more efficiently using Steam Infusion
So far we have had some exceptional results on the hydration of grains, starches and polymers. For instance, a Steam Infusion system is being used to manufacture the maize-based drink Maheu in Africa. We’re instantly hydrating maize flour for this new healthy drink for malnourished children at a rate of 15,000 kg/hr on a single system, eight times quicker than conventional systems.